
Epic Gym Fails!

No more epic gym fails!Start the year off right by cleaning up some bad techniques in the gym and reducing the chance of injury. It’s easy to get caught up wanting to do some of the latest “fad” exercises. You know the ones you see pro athletes and ripped fitness pros...

Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems.

How being busy was the worst thing that happened to me… Like many Strength Entrepreneurs my first love was coaching and the science of performance.  I spent most of my early career studying the X’s and O’s of strength and performance, NOT business. ...

A Decade Of Pain

I get asked all the time “Why” Strongman? This is how it all started…. I would like to tell you that there is some special story on why I compete in Strongman but it all kind of happened organically. At the age of 20, I was at Montclair State University studying...