
Selection Guide for a Personal Trainer – Fitness Equipment 102 (Cardiovascular Machines)

Working out can be an overwhelming task, especially as a newbie. However, a personal trainer’s task is to instruct you and guide your exercising activities. Some of the gym equipment is explained below: Information concerning Orangeburg, NY can be discovered here. 

Stair Mill

A stair mill is a cardio machine designed to allow endless climbing of stairs on the machine. The machine has stairs which are climbed by the trainee during the exercise. The stair mill is perfect for low impact cardio exercise. Information about Duties of a Personal Trainer 2 can be found here. 

Spin Bike

Another type of fitness machine mostly used is the Spin Bike. The spin bike is similar to the upright bike. With a spin bike, studies have shown that training on this equipment gives the body the full work out at a go. 

A spin bike has features like pedals, adjustable seats, bottle holders, weight capacity of over 300 pounds, etc. 

Elliptical Bikes

The elliptical bike is one of the safest gym equipment. The elliptical bike is a stationary bike that can be used for stair climbing, running, walking, etc. More so, there’s little, or no impact felt on the joints while exercising; this, it’s perfect for those with injuries. If you’re considering opening a gym for the middle-aged/elderly ones, then the elliptical bike is one of the necessary machines. 

Rowing Machine/Ergo

Rowing machines are designed as watercraft machines. With the machine, the rower mimics riding/rowing on a boat. Therefore, it gives the body a full work out at a go. A rowing machine also gives the body a low-impact activity. 

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