
Museum In Orangeburg, NY

Museums are historical. This is a place of the institution where valuables, historical artifacts, and things of great importance are kept for reference purposes. If you’re a writer or an individual who likes to know about history or pick an interest in Orangeburg, NY, well, there is a museum that is one of its kind. Let’s examine it below; Visit this link for more information.

Camp Shanks Museum In Orangeburg, NY

Camp Shanks museum was installed in the Orange town area around Orangeburg, NY. It was named after Major General David Carey Shanks (1861-1940). 

Camp Shanks served as a point of embarkation for troops evacuating overseas during World War II, Camp Shanks, also known as “Last Stop USA” is so big that it could house about 50,000 troops. This camp extends over 2040 acres (this is approximately 8.4m), and it was the largest World War II Army embarkation back then. 

After the war, camp shacks served as housing to accommodate veterans with families attending colleges and universities in the New York City area under the jurisdiction of GI Bill. 

There are many more hidden facts about this Museum in Orangeburg, NY. If you want more explicit details about this fact, it will be a great idea to visit this Museum, and you will be glad you did. It is a beautiful place to be for historical stories. Read about Orangeburg City , NY  (Then) here.