
Hey Team VH,

It’s that time of year!

We got through Thanksgiving, now on to the crazy month of December with all of the big holidays and parties. We are eating, drinking, enjoying time with family, and completely forgetting about all the work we have put in this past year.

We keep telling ourselves January 2020! That’s when you will get back on board, you will dial in, you will get into a routine. You’ll train hard and eat right!

But why wait?

Why let the month of December go down the drain, just to try to reset all over again in January.

Don’t focus on losing weight this month…focus on MAINTENANCE. Let’s keep the results we’ve already made this year, and then really kick it into high gear in January.

Let’s start on some simple New Year’s Resolutions right now! Here are 5 easy tips to get us through December and start 2020 on the right note:

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast I say this all the time, but breakfast should be the most important meal. By skipping breakfast, you risk overeating later in the day. Starting each day with a balanced meal can help you make better choices throughout the rest of the day.

2. Keep Your Training Schedule Stick to your training routine but be realistic. If you usually go to the gym 5-6x per week, but know this month will be difficult, stick to at least 3-4x per week. If you can’t get to the gym, include a 30-minute body weight circuit that you can do at home.

It could be as simple as  a 10 minute EMOM: 10 squats, 5 push-ups, 5 sit ups.

3. Drink A Glass of Water with Every Meal Water is important for optimal health and performance. Water can also increase the number of calories you burn regularly; plus, lean muscle feeds off hydration. Most people struggle with consuming enough water daily, so a good rule of thumb can be having a glass with every meal or snack.

4.  Avoid Sugary Drinks…Soda There are no essential nutrients in these drinks, but they are full of unnecessary sugars and chemicals. The more of these you drink, the more you will crave food and beverages like it. Swap the soda for a sparkling water and add fresh squeezed lemon or lime.

5. Use the Stairs When Possible This is the easiest way to get exercise into your daily routine. If there is an elevator, there must be stairs, so opt for the stairs as much as possible during the day. Do you have a Fitbit? Make a realistic goal of how many steps you will accumulate every day and make sure you hit that goal. After a few weeks, add a few hundred more steps to your daily count.

These simple tips can make a huge difference this month. Keep them in mind and try practicing them every day.

We can still have a great holiday season without all of the regret once the New Year hits. You’ll have a few holiday parties and a couple meals out, but that won’t take up an entire month of eating.

If you have to do a lot of entertaining in the next month and you live local click the button below to check out my Top Restaurant Guide.  It features 10 local places in Bergen & Rockland county and what to order when your there!

Happy Holidays,
Simone Leta

PS: Stay tuned for another awesome SNAP program to get 2020 started right!