Simple Meal Prep

If you follow me on Instagram (@CoachJoeStrong) You’ll know that I love to coach, and I love to cook! 

Meal prep is a 4-letter word for most people and makes it a HUGE roadblock when planning healthy nutrition. 

Here are a few simple tips to make it easy.

On Fridays, I start to think about what I will make for the following week. I look up some good recipes or take things I know I can make easy and add them to my shopping list.

I choose two or three recipes and add the ingredients I need to my shopping list, making sure to include some “easy” protein options to my meal plan.  Done for you organic burgers, lots of eggs, Chicken Sausage, and Some Line caught tuna.

My list also includes the vegetables I will prep (I usually just roast several sheet pans of veggies) ranging from potatoes, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, and or anything else I can get my hands on.

Put your shopping trip on your weekly to-do list and schedule.  Or, you can do what I do and order most of my food through Fresh Direct (I should get a kickback!)

Having my groceries in the house is half the battle to meal prep. But I still need to find the time to cook! Here are my five best tips for getting it all done:


When I prep I’m doing/cooking multiple things.  The oven’s on and I’m roasting veggies and a chicken.  I’ll have brown rice in the rice cooker.  A pot of soup on the stove, and all the while playing with my sous chef Antonio!


There is NO shame in taking some shortcuts in the kitchen as your budget allows. For me, this means buying pre-riced and spiralized veggies (either fresh or frozen), premade bone broth, or Pre-Cooked roasted chickens. My time is valuable!


Healthy nutrition starts young with an interest in food and cooking.  PERIOD!  Get them involved, have fun, and don’t be afraid to let them make a mess!


I have the most time and energy for cooking during the weekends. That’s why I always make my more complicated recipes first. I leave the simpler prep (sheet pan chicken sausage and veggies, for example) for evenings after work when I need a few additional dishes to get me through the week. I know myself and there is ZERO chance I will make something with more than just a few steps on a weeknight.


This is my biggest secret to success! I get up by 5:30 a.m., seven days a week! While my family sleeps, I use this time to meal prep or make our lunches, drink coffee, and generally start the day organized and prepared. I love my quiet time in the morning and I accomplish so much before anyone even gets up.

This has been a game-changer in helping me stay on top of everything in my life, meal prep included!

Stay Strong,
Coach Joe

Check the previous post: Flex 19 – Subject: Cheddar Cheese & Blueberry Jam?